Tuesday, March 4, 2008

New Post

People keep asking me for a new post so here goes. I have not even looked at my blog in over a week and just spent a good half hour catching up on everyone else's. I suppose the first thing on the docket should be the name of the band. For those of you not already in the know we finally decided on Markov Chain as our new name. If you think that is lame try googling it and then get back to me. If you google it and still think its lame then go $#$% yourself. Hehe. . just kidding. Anyway, as good 'ol Dr. Nick always says, "Hello everybody". Take care 'n stuff.


Jason said...

I like Markov Chain. I liked Ice IX, too, though. I'm going to start a band of my own and we'll do parodies of Markov Chain songs and we'll be called "Fibonacci Sequence." Har.

Ideadsandtidbits said...

I liked the Dirty Fleas...when is your next gig, where are ya'll playing.. I'll bring "people", so let me know...http://ideasandtidbits.blogspot.com/